About Us

Welcome To The Lisbon Walker!

The Lisbon Walker is a handmade premium shoe concept brand with a unique value proposition: the wine you can choose and that is offered when you buy a pair of shoes

Our brand is proudly Portuguese, with the astrolabe evoking our history of navigation endeavours throughout the world.

The shoes are handmade and entirely produced by our company Abraito Luxury in Portugal.

The wines are produced in Portugal by Adhoc Wine, in the terroirs of Alentejo, Douro and Vinho Verde Region.

The Lisbon Walker Concept

Picture amazing shoes and wines from a premium origin being produced by the same group of companies and now ally that to a unique, innovative and patented value proposition

Mission & Goal

Imagine our fantastic design with a hand-made finish brought together to deliver premium portuguese shoes at competitive prices with a disruptive wooden packaging

Make business with us

Invest in the implementation of The Lisbon Walker concept through setting up stores in your key market; or organize the distribution of our brand in the retail stores and other preferential channels in your economic zone


Hand-Made High-quality shoes


Exclusive Boot designs


Top-Notch Berets


Premium Accessories

Team Members

Meet our team...

Teresa Samissone

Head Designer

Catarina Serra

Flagship Store Manager

Susana Oliveira

Custom Shoes Illustrator

Vinicius Barbizani

Head of Marketing